Protecting farm animals and wildlife

Small livestock such as chickens and pigs are highly attractive to predatory wildlife, including bears, cougars, foxes, coyotes, weasels, lynx and birds of prey. So are bee hives. Bears and cougars are able to take down larger domesticated animals as well, such as cows and horses. Protecting these animals from predation, or the stress of repeated attempts is the most humane approach to raising livestock in wildlife territory.

Bears, in particular, can get into almost any structure and cause extensive damage when they do. Grizzlies have long claws which can rip through siding in a matter of seconds. The most effective way to prevent or reduce damage done when this happens, and to protect wildlife, is to use electric fencing around all livestock.

Fencing that is improperly installed can make the problem worse, teaching a bear that getting a small shock is worth the reward. Fencing should be erected to a standard that will exclude bears. We can help you plan for this!

Protecting berries, wildlife and us

Berries are a common love of bears and humans in Yukon. Berries make up a vital part of the diet of black and grizzly bears in Yukon. Many of us have berry patches in our yards, or wild berries growing near our homes. You can bet that, where there are berries, there will be bears. And while a Mayday tree might not be a natural part of a bear’s diet, they will quickly adapt to a new food source when they find one.


  • Harvest all fruit as soon as it ripens. Do not let it fall to the ground or rot. This applies to all fruiting bushes, shrubs and trees. Bears also like some ornamentals.
  • Protect larger patches with electric fencing (link to electric fence support program page)
  • Be bear aware when you are out picking wild berries. Carry bear spray, make noise and share the patch. This means leaving the area immediately if you come across a bear or family of bears who are feasting.

Protecting gardens and wildlife

While a bear will likely raid your berry patch before going for your vegetables, garden beds are also attractive, especially if they contain root vegetables or are fertilized with bonemeal or fish fertilizers. Please consider electric fencing around your gardens and use less stinky fertilizers.

Protecting wildlife from your ornamentals

We all love a yard that is decorated with ornamental bushes and trees. However, most of them bear fruit and are attractive to bears. Please consider landscaping with non-fruiting bushes. Here’s a list of species that will make your yard beautiful without attracting bears and other wildlife. And don’t worry, the birds can fend for themselves!

Wildlife Friendly Landscaping