Below is an interactive, human-bear conflict map for Yukon. All coordinates are approximate. We have scrubbed all identifying data to protect the privacy of the people who report human-bear conflict to Yukon Conservation Officers. Some incidents were not reported with coordinates and so are represented in the n-values in the map legend but cannot be found on the map.
Please click on the box in the upper right corner to open it in a new window and explore. You can search these negative human-bear encounters by species, attractant, year, month and outcome. They represent all of the incidents reported to Yukon Conservation Officer Services beginning in 2012 and ending in 2017 that relate to garbage, compost, bird feeders and chicken coops. These, along with human food, which bears often find in the form of smokers, fish racks and meat caches, are the most common attractants that lead to conflict. Additionally, many bears are killed by motor vehicles every year along Yukon roads. The map is meant as a tool for educators to demonstrate the presence of bears and attractants in all Yukon communities.